Ā Solopreneur Blog

Navigating the Solo Journey: Insights and Resources for the Independent Entrepreneur

5 Sales Killers

mistakes sales call May 22, 2024

Why do most people suck at sales?

Underconfidence, nervousness about asking for money, not understanding the value they deliver, and feeling small because a competitor has a more dominant online presence.. to name a few.

I have been a sales trainer to over 100 people in my career. I have reviewed over 1000 sales conversations.

There are 5 mistakes that I see made the most.

I recently recorded a 20-minute video walking through the 5 biggest mistakes, how to identify them, and more importantly, how to fix them.

Check out the Training Video.

I guarantee you will find at least one bad habit holding you back. You won't be aware of it until you tune in.



The Strategic Solopreneur

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