Ā Solopreneur Blog

Navigating the Solo Journey: Insights and Resources for the Independent Entrepreneur

How I Make 6 Figures from Facebook (not using ads)

comments engagement facebook group group interactions lead posts reply solopreneur May 12, 2024

Each week I schedule 1 hour dedicated to Facebook engagement

Not on my personal wall

Not on my business page

In Facebook groups

I am a top contributor in 4 specific groups

I know my potential customers spend their time in those groups

I want to be an authority and a person they perceive as a source of wisdom

But I do not create any posts

I only reply/comment

I spend 15-20 minutes to craft a thoughtful and valuable answer to a question

I search for keywords inside the group to find the questions

My answer is 1-2 large paragraphs

Sometimes I record a loom video to add more detail

I break things down very specifically

Many people like and reply to my comments

It makes my reply the “top comment” and it stays displayed as the only visible comment on the post

Anyone searching for that subject will see my reply

Typically with more engagement than the original question

That attracts a follower

Followers read my content and respond to what I offer

I get to work with new people

I closed a $72,000 sale from a Facebook comment within 24 hours a few years ago

They are still my client today

They still pay me $72,000 per year


The Strategic Solopreneur

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